Monday, November 11, 2002

Nicotine Patch

I try to use the patch during the week.

Oh, I have a good story about a nicotine patch. My father one day just dropped dead.

That's terrible I'm sorry.

Well, it was a while ago. One of those states where they don't do autopsies for sudden death. The coroner listed the cause of death as myocardial infarction. I called the coroner. I was going to have to pay him anyway for hauling away the body! I asked him why he listed the cause of death as myocardial infarction. He said 'well, he had a patch.' "You idiot" I said "it was a nicotine patch." He must have thought it was a nitro patch.

Couldn't he read? It says it's a nicotine patch right on there.

I guess not. Anyway, I was glad I got to call the coroner an idiot.

(One more reason not to quit smoking--all those good conversations/bonding with strangers. Remember to add this to the list.)


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