Cool Place
We went to the cool place.
And this is what we said:
We're so cool we can breath underwater.
We're so cool we forgot our own names.
We're so cool our underwear is a color you've never seen before.
We're so cool we read English from left to right.
We're so cool we've never touched metal or wood.
We're so cool our bed is made out of concrete
We're so cool we shower in orangina.
We're so cool we had foie gras for breakfast.
We're so cool grasshoppers follow us home.
We're so cool we speak an invisible language.
We're so cool we're the uncool cool that is so uncool you wouldn't even know it was uncool cool.
We were cool when you were asleep last night, we were cool in those moments you were putting gas in your car.
We understand cool enough to transcend it and then we became so cool we are unrecognizably cool.
We transcended cool so much we almost stopped existing
And suddenly, cooly, we vanished from sight right before their eyes,
physically reconstituted ourselves on a street with a French name,
burst into flame
and were reborn anew from the smoldering ashes.
And still everyone was cooler than we were.
That's how cool this place was.
We went to the cool place.
And this is what we said:
We're so cool we can breath underwater.
We're so cool we forgot our own names.
We're so cool our underwear is a color you've never seen before.
We're so cool we read English from left to right.
We're so cool we've never touched metal or wood.
We're so cool our bed is made out of concrete
We're so cool we shower in orangina.
We're so cool we had foie gras for breakfast.
We're so cool grasshoppers follow us home.
We're so cool we speak an invisible language.
We're so cool we're the uncool cool that is so uncool you wouldn't even know it was uncool cool.
We were cool when you were asleep last night, we were cool in those moments you were putting gas in your car.
We understand cool enough to transcend it and then we became so cool we are unrecognizably cool.
We transcended cool so much we almost stopped existing
And suddenly, cooly, we vanished from sight right before their eyes,
physically reconstituted ourselves on a street with a French name,
burst into flame
and were reborn anew from the smoldering ashes.
And still everyone was cooler than we were.
That's how cool this place was.
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